Grant Dollars: $176,000 Match: $59,434 Total: $235,434
Diamond Lake is a significant waterbody utilized by thousands of boaters and anglers. The degradation of its water quality resulted in the placement of the lake on the MPCA’s List of Impaired Waters in 2006. The MFCRWD and its partners are making significant progress towards reducing phosphorus loading to Diamond Lake by completing implementation activities outlined in the Diamond Lake TMDL Report (Diamond Lake TMDL Report). Improving water quality in Diamond Lake to meet state standards is a top-ranking priority in the TMDL Implementation Plan (TMDL Implementation Plan). These funds will be used to implement practices outlined in the Diamond Lake TMDL Agricultural Conservation Program to reduce the remaining Diamond Lake phosphorus load by 759.5lbs/yr. The Agricultural Conservation Program will reduce the phosphorus load through wetland restoration, water and sediment control basins, side inlet controls, and buffer strips.
Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all
members of the public. As part of this commitment, the District strives to provide an accessible website compatible with
the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, AA, and commercial screen reading software. Features of the
website are created to allow individuals with vision and other impairments to understand and use the website to the same
degree as someone without disabilities.