MFCRWD Shoreland and Stream Bank Restoration/Stabilization Program (BWSR Legacy Grant)
- Grant timeline March 2012 – December 2014
- Grant dollars: $120,000 Match: $41,313 Total: $161,313
- The Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District (MFCRWD) is still considered to be a fairly young entity, celebrating the sixth anniversary of its establishment in 2011. In a relatively short time, the District has procured several key grants that focus on water quality improvement through the implementation of best management practices (BMPs). Many of the projects installed to date have been done so by targeting highly effective, highly visible, urgent projects on different water bodies throughout the watershed. The MFCRWD Shoreland and Stream Bank Restoration/Stabilization Program contains several activities that continue the implementation of urgent, visible and effective BMPs on multiple water bodies, with a focus on reducing theerosional processes impacting bank stability. Three initiatives will be implemented, including the installation of four shoreland restoration/stabilization projects on two lakes, completion of two stream bank stabilization projects on the Middle Fork Crow River, and a rain barrel program coupled with an education program that provide outreach to lake and city residents throughout the Middle Fork Crow River Watershed about the issues and water quality effects associated with stormwater.